Content Management Systems »
Open Source Development designs and develops content management solutions for a wide variety of clients. The content management solutions developed by us provide clients with an easy mechanism to publish and organize content appearing on their websites.
Separation of content and presentation: In our content management solutions all content is stored in the database. All layout templates are also stored in the database. At the time of publishing the web page, the content is merged with the associated layout.
User Management : Multiple back-end users can be granted access to the administrator module. To maintain security role based access is provided. The users will have access to those modules (within the administrator console) to which they have permissions
Text Editors : We integrate a variety of WYSIWYG text editors with our solutions. The text editors make it easy for content editors to format the content. Formatting tools and HTML tools are provided with the editors. The HTML tools enable the content editors to insert HTML tags in the content.
Reports : Our content management solutions include detailed reporting modules that enable administrators to monitor the performance of the website, view user and event logs etc.